Smart Casual: How to Dress in Land-Based Casinos

Rios Rosa
Visiting a land-based casino is one of the most exhilarating things you’ll ever do. The atmosphere is often terrific, but it can also be a daunting experience if you’ve never been. Casinos are notoriously strict about their rules. We’re not talking about card counting (that’s a different kettle of fish). Rather, we’re talking about dress codes. Most land-based casinos have them.
What should you wear to a casino? You can absolutely don your finest tuxedo or wear a lavish dress if you prefer. However, that isn’t a requirement at most casinos. Instead, you’ll typically need to be wearing “smart casual” clothes. Fortunately, this won’t cost you a fortune. Most of us already have something in our wardrobe that will qualify as smart casual, and that’s good enough. For those not in the know, allow us to explain what smart casual means when attending brick-and-mortar casinos.
Jacket and Shirt
For the fellas, a jacket and shirt are typically the way to go. However, the jackpot is by no means a requirement. Instead, it simply elevates your shirt to ensure that you look smarter and more in tune with the overall vibe the casino is going for. There’s no need to go over the top and wear a tie and cufflinks. You can simply wear any dress shirt, although it helps if it’s tucked in. If you do opt for a jacket, ensure that it isn’t emblazoned with logos or inappropriate text. Denim jackpots just aren’t the done thing – a blazer or smoking jacket would do nicely. When it comes to jackets and shirts, just think about what you’d wear for a “function”, office party, wedding, or, dare we say, to court.
Now, when it comes to trousers, there is a bit of leeway here. Obviously, a pair of slacks is adequate. However, trousers aren’t necessary if you don’t want them. There are cases where you can rock up in shorts, but most real money casinos aren’t going to allow that. Jeans, though, are often permitted. In fact, many of the times when I’ve visited casinos, I’ve noticed that a jacket with a dress shirt and jeans is regularly the attire of choice for most men. Just make sure that you’re wearing a plain pair of jeans – no knee holes, scruffy tears or trailing legs, and no – you can’t have them hanging off your bottom.
Of course, smart casual can mean that you can get away with sneakers, although that’s always a risk. Instead, you can’t go wrong with a pair of dress shoes. Sure, you could probably get in with a pair of moccasins, and there’s no doubt that boots are acceptable. However, conventional dress shoes are the way to go. It goes without saying that you’ll need to be wearing socks, too.
So far, we’ve only discussed the fellas. What should ladies wear to a casino that has a “smart casual” dress code? As is often the case when it comes to dress codes, there’s considerably more leeway and choice in terms of ladies’ wear. For instance, you can choose from a cocktail dress or a day dress. You can get away with wearing a long black dress, or even a skirt and top. Again, though, just ensure that your top isn’t covered with logos and tears. Nothing too bright and attention-getting. You don’t necessarily need to be “covered up” – this isn’t 1924, but again, you can’t wear anything that deliberately causes attention. In terms of shoes, ladies again have plenty to choose from, and virtually anything that isn’t flip-flops or sneakers will likely be deemed appropriate.
Accessories: No Phones and Other Info
Guys typically don’t carry a whole lot of accessories with them. Watches can remain on your wrist, but if you’re thinking about taking a camera or your phone into the casino – think again. These need to be checked when you enter the casino, and they’ll be put in the cloakroom until you leave. The same “may” be true for ladies’ purses and handbags. Casinos may check them first and then allow you to take them, but they will often need to be checked in. Wallets and purses are obviously meant to be carried with you.
As for ladies’ accessories, you’ve got leeway once more. Big-hooped earrings and hair accessories are fine, but sunglasses are not normally acceptable. You are indoors, after all. As for baubles and bangles that jingle and clatter when you move your arms – consider leaving them at home where possible, or you may be asked to check them in.
Other Casino Dress Codes
Finally, we should point out that it is entirely possible that some casinos may have different dress codes. VIP events or high-roller casinos may require you to wear the so-called “black-tie” or “white-tie” attire. Others may be far more relaxed. Many smaller-scale casinos know that they aren’t going to attract “high-end clientele”, and they often allow you to get away with far more casual dress. However, the same rule applies to purses, handbags, phones, cameras, and so on.
Ultimately, every big casino I’ve ever visited has a website, and on that website, there will be a section or even a page dedicated to dress codes. If you can’t find one, check the FAQ at the site or read about the casino online. We’re sure you’ll find the information you need, even if it is from other visitors.
The bottom line is that if you stick to the dress code (within limits), you won’t be refused entry. If you think of yourself as a rebel and want to go flouting the rules, expect to be denied at the door. Casinos (and door staff) aren’t there to spoil your party. They are there to enforce the rules so that everybody has a good time. Visiting a land-based casino is supposed to be an experience, so dress up nicely and treat yourself to one.